Terms of Service & Legal Information

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This website is intended for "language learning" purposes only. It does not contain professional, legal, or medical advice.

Terms of Service

When you are using English for Information Technology, you are subject to the following Terms of Service ("TOS"), which may be updated by us from time to time without notice to you. You can review the most current version of the TOS at any time at this page. By accessing and using English for Information Technology, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of the TOS.

Copyright Protection

The written content (dictionary entries, readings, activities, etc) on this website is protected by international copyright laws. You may not print out, reproduce, copy, or repost the information in this website without express written consent.

Every effort has been made to use private, permission-granted, or public domain images and media on this website. However, we do display some user generated content from time to time. If you see an image that you think is copyrighted and used without permission, please let us know. We create a good deal of IP as well and the last thing we want to do is use other people's copyrighted material without permission.

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If you post illegal or otherwise objectionable content on our website we reserve the right to delete that content, your account, and refund you any money spent at our sole discretion.

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We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all first-time Web purchases. If you're not completely satisfied for any reason, simply reach out to us. We'll either resolve the issue to your satisfaction, or else provide a full refund of your last subscription payment.


This program is to be used 'as-is'. We do not guarantee language fluency or any other results from its use. If there is a bug or a misprint in the application, we will do our best to fix it in a timely matter. However, we cannot be held responsible for any reason for any damages caused by information or professional guidance on this website.