Unit 28 Reading Activities Plus Questions

Read the following text and then complete the activities that follow.

Freelancing Reading


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"We hope you have noticed that this site is not like the others. It is free from advertising, spyware, and annoying clickbait. Therefore, we rely 100% on our user base for financial support. In fact, this site would not exist without the support of our hundreds of loyal subscribers. Your support begins with a free registration. Thank you."

Not convinced? Read our About us or Clients pages for more info, including testimonials, case studies, and more.

Quiz: Reading Questions

1. The video implies that "going rate" means if a job is available regardless of price.
2. SEO skills are necessary in order to work as a freelancer.
3. The video implies that asking for $70 per hour is probably a more reasonable approach than setting a fixed price of $700.
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