Welcome to the Help Desk. If you cannot find the answer you need here, please
start a ticket
The Enterprise Edition is the most feature-rich version of the program you can currently buy. It's like having your own online school without any of the cost or time of custom development. Contact us for more details. Features:
- Your logo and site branding (web site & certificates)
- Custom domain or subdomain (e.g. learn.yourdomain.com)
- Enhanced admin panels
- Prioritized support
You should be familiar with the Student and Teacher FAQs as well. We don't cover those topics to avoid repetition.
Help Topics:
- All Topics
- General FAQ
- Student FAQ
- Teacher FAQ
- Solo Edition FAQ
- Teacher FAQ
- Enterprise FAQ
Welcome to Help Desk!

Contact Support:
Contact Support:
c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm
Email: info@english4it.com
Phone: +46 73 919 229
c/o English 4 Work
Folkungagatan 132c, Box #541
116 30 Stockholm
Email: info@english4it.com
Phone: +46 73 919 229